Bed Bugs

Now that you have seen the bed bug photos, here’s a quick overview of the different stages in a bedbug’s life:
Immature bedbugs are known as nymphs. They closely resemble adults, but are smaller and lack the deep reddish-brown color found in the adult bedbug.
Adult bedbugs are about a quarter-inch long, oval, reddish brown, and wingless. Their body is flat ( except if fully engorged, see above)), and they possess long, slender legs and an antenna. They also have a long, segmented beak which they use for their blood meal. While a bedbug is at rest, the beak lies beneath the body and projects backwards between the legs.
Female bedbugs are capable of laying about 500 eggs in their lifetime under optimal temperature and blood meal conditions.
Now that you understand the different stages of a bedbug’s life, it’s time to grab a magnifying glass and ask yourself these questions
if you think you just discovered one:
Is the bug yellowish-white or reddish-brown in color?
Is the bug wingless?
Is the bug flat with obvious folds on its body?
Do you see any dark spots in the middle or bottom of the bug that might be blood?
Does the bug have six legs and a short, thick antenna?
Does the bug have small, dark, and protruding eyes?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you might indeed have bedbugs. After identifying the insect you found as a bedbug, you might want to inspect your bedroom or office for black spots, a bedbug’s waste on your bedding, mattress, and box spring. It’s also important to look under any chairs or cabinets or nightstands.