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Why DIY Pest Control Rarely Works

It's very tempting to look to DIY pest control methods to get rid of pests. DIY traps for pest control purposes are one of the most highly searched for solutions online, and most of it is for a good reason - whether you're trying to save a few dollars or are just trying to take care of the problem quickly. However, there are many reasons why DIY pest prevention and extermination just doesn’t work as a long-term solution (and can actually end up making the problem worse):


The first thing the pros do when you call for help is perform an inspection. In many cases, DIY pest control consists of reacting after you’ve found pests (like a mouse in the kitchen). When that happens, homeowners usually buy some pesticide or set traps and assume the job is done. However, if you go that way, it’s very likely the attempt may not work for several reasons.


When you see one mouse, you can be sure there are more lurking where you can’t find them. A good rule of thumb is that it’s not the pests you can see that are the biggest problem, but the ones you can’t. Aside from being a bigger problem than it appears to be, pests are also smarter than many homeowners give them credit for. Often, traps and pesticides fail to work because the pests can smell something fishy and avoid them.


Part of a pest control technician’s job is being able to identify the different pests infesting the house. One glaring risk associated with DIY pest control is that it’s easy for homeowners to misidentify pests. Many pests look similar at first glance or leave similar signs. Every species is unique in its behaviour, and effective pest control must be tailored to each pest’s specific qualities. There is no such thing as universal pest control.


When you take care of pest problems yourself, it’s usually in response to seeing a pest in the house. Even if you manage to get rid of spiders that you can see, or any other pests, they will probably come back. Dealing with an infestation requires that you target the problem at its source. To prevent future infestations, you need to figure out where they came from and what they came for.


Everyone makes mistakes, which are much more likely to happen when you don’t know what you’re doing. Many factors come into play when it comes to DIY pest control, and to be honest not very many people know how to use devices properly. Outsmarting pests whose survival depends on dodging danger can be challenging, especially if the time was not taken to carefully read the instructions or if one has trouble following directions.


Pesticides are considered dangerous substances, hence the skull and crossbones symbol you may find on many cans. Over-the-counter pesticides may not be as effective as the ones professionals use, but they can still be dangerous, especially when misused. Taking care of pests yourself also exposes you to risk of injury. Professional pest control technicians know how to remove dangerous pests without exposing themselves or others to danger.


You may see something at your local hardware store and think to yourself, “I’ll just use this instead, it’s way cheaper.” Before you pull out your wallet though, let us tell you something that will save you money. The chemicals used in regular store bought traps and pesticides are in fact not nearly as effective as the chemicals only available to licensed pest control companies. The most ideal pesticides are NOT available in the stores or online.


DIY products may work for a few days, weeks or even months, but that’s it. While they may look like a cure-all solution for your pest problem, they’re really designed to be short-term solutions only.


One of the most important motives behind DIY pest control is saving money. At first glance, it sounds like you can deal with a pest infestation on your own, relieving you of the need to pay for pros to handle the work for you. However, the truth is that fixing the problem yourself can significantly increase your expenses. Many homeowners who resort to DIY methods tend to keep trying when the first attempts fail to bring about lasting results. This can create a cycle of DIY attempts, with homeowners trying and buying new methods, all with the same result. Another thing to plan for is the possibility of damage to the home in the course of removing pests.

DIY at-home pest control will not ever be as effective or lasting as professional pest control. Whether it’s rodents, insects, bed bugs or birds, our QFI Pest Control Team is ready to provide effective control to keep pests out of your home. Give us a call at (250) 808-9068 for services in the OkanaganValley or visit our contact page to get in touch with us. Let us help make your home a safe, pest-free place.


3 則留言

Jasper Giles
Jasper Giles
5 days ago

Looking for effective pest control? This pest control service in Surrey comes highly recommended



Such an informative post! If you're dealing with mice, mouse exterminator Toronto cost is worth checking.



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